Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little bites of moments...

What defines ones life?  It seems to be moments and experiences that one must seize and of the roads taken.  It's those small bites and decisions that brings upon a world of paths and experiences that I might not have crossed.  

This is how my best moments seemed to have been defined.  It hasn't been planned, these moments of deliciousness and decisions come my way and sometimes with fear...I take them.  It's led me right so far.

Sometimes, many times, I do get so caught up in my comforts.  I try to remind myself that the best experiences are ones where I went with my gut.  I believe in this thing called "energy", there have been too many moments and surprises that have come my way after certain thoughts.  

So as scary some doors seem, or the fear and hardship one expect, I have to remind myself of the uncharted experiences to come to this life.  It's so much easier to wallo in past pain or be safe to the road not taken, but I hope to not limit myself to the past and the future to come.  I can't wait.

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