Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My Current Obsession

I'm sorry I've been away.  I have been cooking and have lots to talk about but haven't managed to get it on the site.  I'll be doing a "end of year" posting of lots of pics.
My current obsession is macarons.  These are light, airy french cookies.  Don't get them confused with macaroons which are made with shredded coconut. These are made with almond meal. Both have egg white and sugar.  I've attempted to make them last week to give to friends for xmas but failed miserably.  I should have taken some pics but they were so awful l I just tossed them in the garbage.  I think my mistake was over beating them.
I've had some time to recover from the depression of it and will attempt again.  I've been reading many recipes and tips in cookbooks and online.  I've found one person who seems to be more obsessed than I am with these.  He has a great site and tips.  Check out:
Will post when I get a successful batch. Cross your fingers!  :)


  1. Hi there. Thanks for the link and I'm glad you found my stuff about macarons helpful! But don't throw out the disaster-shells... keep them for a trifle or just crumble them through whipped cream and serve with juicy fresh fruit.

  2. Thanks Duncan! Wow...never expected you to visit my site. My site has mainly been for my friends and family. This is is great! I already tossed them but next time I will save them. Next time I hope to not have the problem.

    I'm going to try your recipe! Love your site!



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