Friday, August 6, 2010

Chocolate Dipped Raspberries

People love fruits dipped in chocolate.  Way back I made a chocolate cake and wanted to top it off with fresh raspberries but the berries kept bleeding after an extended time that I decided to dip the bottom in chocolate and then place them on the top of the cake.  This solved the bleeding problem and I discovered they were really great dipped in chocolate, especailly dark chocolate.

Raspberries are also hollow because of the way they come off the vines.  I've filled them chocolate ganache.  This time I decided to fill them with a little black and white mousse and dip them in dark chocolate. 

It was my friend Bia's birthday last weekend, and she loves sweets so I thought this would be perfect.

For the Mousse
1/2 co of cold heavy cream
4 Tbl spoons of powder sugar
2 oz of dark chocolate melted.

-Beat heavy cream until soft peaks
-Add power sugar and mix
-Fold in melted chocolate and mix right away or it will harden and clump

For Raspberries
2 pints of fresh raspberries.  The bigger the better
4 oz of dark chocolate

-Using a small spoon or piping bag, fill the raspberry hallows with the mousse.
-Place them on a flat tray or sheet pan lined with parchment paper
-Refridgerate for at least 15 min
-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, taking off heat if it gets to hot. You don't want to scortch the cholocate.
-Take the filled berries out of the fridge and dip the bottem in the melted chocolate and place them on tray or sheetpan lined with parchment paper.  You can use the same or a clean one.
-Wait 10 to 15 min for chocolate to harden and serve.
-If warm weather, make sure to refridgerate and keep chocolate cold.

You will have leftover melted chocolate. The best thing to do with them is add some roasted or raw nuts and make some chocolate candy haystacks with them.  Just mix in the nuts until all the chocolate is absorbed.  Sprinkle some slat.  Dump onto a lined tray or plate....and viola.  

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