Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Holstee Manifesto

I've been reflecting a bit this week.  It's been a tough week...but it's bringing focus to my life and hoping for some strength and moments to nurture in the future.

I am always so grateful for my family and friends who keep me sane... who love me, care for me, and are there when I need them the most.  I'm so happy with new people who enter my life, share moments, and whom I can share my love and passion for food.  I hope to meet more of those folks.

I ran across this article this week about The Holstee Manifesto.  It's been around a few years but it crossed my path this week... when I needed it most.  

It's brought me the reflection I needed, a clarity to my blurred past year, and a foundation that I want to be part of my life, moving forward.

I believe this...I don't want to have any more regrets and I want to spend the rest of my time using the tools I've been given, the passions I've been tagged with, and the people I've come across.  

This is what my blog means to me...I hope it feeds a moment in your life.


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